Friday, 13 February 2009
Monday, 9 February 2009
Service With a Smile

How Very Dare They
Friday, 6 February 2009
Who Do I Think I Am?

Generation X Feels Hard Done By.

Thursday, 5 February 2009
On Being Rude

Wednesday, 4 February 2009
My Memories of Snow

Why Crime Has Increased?
"The evidence is that the serious violent crime rate is much higher in Thatcherite political economies than in welfare state economies. One contributor writes: “There is a plethora of material confirming that crime of all kinds is linked to inequality, relative deprivation and unemployment.” So, for example, the rise in crime in Britain in the 1980s was due to what happened in the 1980s although, naturally, Margaret Thatcher blamed it on what had happened 20 years before. And it was the 1980s, not the 1960s, that saw the dramatic rise in opiate use in Britain.
The evidence shows that states with higher welfare spending have less crime and lower imprisonment rates. For every dollar spent, Michigan’s Head Start welfare programme brought $17 of benefit by cutting crime, thereby cutting the numbers imprisoned and the costs of imprisonment.
Of course, recognising that crime has root causes does not stop us exploring all possible avenues of crime reduction, victim support and penal reform. Nor does it mean ignoring offenders’ moral responsibility. Understanding does not cancel the need for judgement.
Thatcherite political economies have more punitive penal policies. Yet welfarist Sweden has had a smaller rise in crime than Britain while having a less punitive penal policy. Similarly, Finland has dramatically cut its prison numbers without increasing crime.
Growing economic inequality and social polarisation increase crime and, therefore, fear and insecurity. We cannot afford to leave the economy, or society, or security to the market. We need to take responsibility for all aspects of our society."
Monday, 2 February 2009
All You Need Is Love
A lot of adults believe that the prime duty of the individual is to make the most of their own life rather than contributing to the good of others.
This fuels a range of social ills from family breakdown to premature sexualisation of children and inequality between rich and poor.
A three-year independent study produced for the Children's Society calls for a significant change of heart by society.
But I believe that as we are being socially engineered by big business and the media it won't happen. Money making will always take preference.
Our "me first" society produces more family discord and conflict, more pressure to own things, excessive competition in schools and "unacceptable" income inequality.
We need to teach children the importance of contributing to the welfare of others over themselves, that human relationships need to be placed higher in relation to possessions and status. Children should learn that love is the most important thing in life."
A Day in Bed

Sunday, 1 February 2009
Saga Lunches
Tea Party Sunday

My Hottie Bottie