Bad Banks and Good Banks
LloydsTSB weren't very interested. The clueless Halifax staff were unable to give me an appointment for several weeks.
What am I talking about? Transferring the Guides Rainbow account from Alliance & Leicester.
As treasurer I try to make life easy for myself. A&L have very few branches and there isn't one in Cosham High Street.
I can pay in cheques via the Post Office but they won't take the cash. I pay the cash into my current account with Lloyds, write out a personal cheque to the Rainbows and then pay that in along with other cheques via the Post Office, all rather unethical. Queuing in line today took 20 minutes.

On the other hand Barclays Bank couldn't be more helpful. Branch members and telephone staff are both personable and knowledgeable.
I'm a rate tart, Barclays have a 12 month regular savings account paying a massive 6% interest so I've opened one over the counter.
Over the phone I set wheels in motion to get the A&L Rainbows account transferred over to Barclays. I do hope they don't let me down.
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