Today's event was very successful and the group has a whole new feel. We have a new volunteer and the men love her! Natasha is 32, very lively and personable. Bless her. The rest of us are over sixty and some are even over eighty.
Because I'd sent a letter 'setting out my stall' I was dreading meeting Margaret. But fate was on my side. Her party was the last to arrive. She tripped over the door step and her wrist soon started to swell.
I immediately organised a pack of frozen peas and a tea towel. I wrapped the packet in the towel and applied it to her wrist. I advised her to keep it there so the swelling could subside. This event diffused any potential hostility.
I asked if a trip on the Watercress Line would be acceptable as a summer outing. Everyone seemed to like the idea. The subject of fund raising was discussed and I said that I am not prepared to do it. Margaret said raising money was easy enough so I might call her bluff and push it her way.
Because she has been rather nasty I'd sent a different letter to Barbara. She's been filled with spite and venom, even making hurtful remarks to her fellow guests. Today she was very meek, mild and helpful. She even took Vera back home for me.
Vera asked if she could have her normal cuddle before she left. The cuddle has become a little ritual on the pavement outside her house and she didn't want to miss out.
I pick Jack up from his daughter where he has Sunday lunch. He can be a miserable bugger, I was accused of being far too early. No 'Hello Liz, how are you.'
On our way to the host's house I did my best to jolly him along. He soon cheered up and on the return journey he apologised. But qualified it by saying he couldn't help the way he was made.
After I dropped him off I thanked my Guardian Angel, several times, for helping to make it such a pleasant afternoon.
Ray ran our usual quiz. John is deaf and has difficulty understanding the questions. One question was about the Siskin, was it bird mammal or reptile? I'm afraid to say that we all had a chuckle when he thought the word was cistern. There was more hilarity when Jack misunderstood the question about camel's humps and blurted out the answer.
Needless to say I ate too much. Natasha did too, we are both on the 'see food and eat it' way of life.
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