One day a friend advised. "
You know Liz, if you made an effort you'd scrub up very well."
I didn't take offence because I knew she meant well. Later this year she will be 69 and is still very good looking - but she has to work hard at it.
Her hair, if left in a natural state, would be snow white. Visiting the hairdresser every three weeks keeps it a nice shade of chestnut brown. She paints her nails and spends a fortune on makeup.
When it started going grey I dyed my hair. One day I announced that I would let it revert to it's natural state and hands were thrown up in horror. After it had grown out comments were made about how nice it looked. If I had taken heed I might still be dying it.
I do my very best
not to keep the cosmetics industry afloat, and I would never be a slave to fashion.
Even if I followed my friends lead I would still the same person.
I hate wearing makeup because I forget it's there and it wouldn't be long before it was smudged. How silly would I look with smeared panda eyes?
I am confident and comfortable in my own skin. I am my own person.
I don't want to look like Barbara Cartland. There's nothing so ridiculous as an overly made up old bag.
What if one became very ill and spent months in hospital. Would visitors have to be turned away because one hadn't been able to keep up a beauty routine?
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