Celebrated French 'thinker' Jean-Paul Sartre suggested that "Hell is other people".
According to the Office for National Statistics the proportion of people living alone more than doubled between 1971 and 2008. I am one of these statistics and I have no desire to alter my solo existence.
Other people?
One friend is miserable because she hardly sees her traffic cop husband. She works full time, normal office hours. He works shifts so they go for long periods leading parrallel lives. He loves his job but she is lonely and would like to see more of him. But would she be any happier if his job was different?
Another friend is miserable for different reasons. Her marriage has endured for 46 years. They are both now retired which has made things worse. They go for days living in the same house without actually speaking to each other. She tells me that he sulks for long periods and won't discuss his feelings. This sad state of affairs will probably continue until one of them dies. What a waste?
A thoughtless adult grandchild, having flown the nest, doesn't bother to thank relatives for their birthday gifts. Exasperated parents wring their hands. The culprit eventually offers a half hearted apology. A reason is given, 'I am so rubbish at this sort of thing'. This is like saying 'I am fair skinned 'or 'I am short' so nothing can be done. A mature mind would know better. The relatives would like to stop giving, but would it cause a family rift?
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