Monday, 24 August 2009

Solo Journeys - The Plus Side of Being Single

Last saturday I went to Worthing on the train.
While waiting on the platform I chatted to a group of women. They were off to Kew Gardens where I had been the previous Sunday.
On the train I had a lovely chat with a little family, Mum and two children. I discovered that in September the young girl was being sent to boarding school in the Pyrenness. I had experienced life in a Convent boarding school so I told her a few amusing tales.
On Worthing Pier I spent a pleasant time talking some of a people of a similar age to myself who earned their living by being full time carers for two disabled adults.
I had lunch with friends, then I went to the theatre for a matinee performance on my own. Then I caught the train back home.
Apart from the lunch with friends all my conversations were with complete strangers. Maybe it's because I am 'old' & not seen as a threat. Maybe it's because I spent my working life dealing with people and this confidence has carried on into retirement? If I'd been with another person I would not have had these little chats.

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