Even though my shed roof has been leaking for ages it was much too easy to put off this 'Heart Sink Job' and am too tight fisted to pay anyone to do it.
It has been so dry in recent weeks that I found any excuse not to repair it. Yesterday it rained and water got in. Even though the hole was tiny I had to do something about it. I really didn't want to out but today I made myself do running repairs.
I removed the clout nails and patched up with with an odd peice of new felt pushed under the old. While securing the old felt back in place I whacked in lots of extra nails. I won't know how successful my patching will be until it rains again
I was very naughty. If I hurt myself no one can get in so in case I had an accident I should have unlocked the side gate (but I didn't). The words 'Be careful' kept going round inside my head.
The new roll of felt will remain untouched until I can get up enough enthusiasm to do a proper job.
1 comment:
It didn't work so I was forced to do a proper job
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