Monday, 7 September 2009

Oh No John No John NO!!!

Contact the Elderly Tea Parties are held on the first Sunday of the month. The normal time for picking up guests is from 2 o'clock onwards.
John can't hear his mobile phone ring so he doesn't pick up. He rings me but even though I answer he can't hear and thinks he hasn't got through.
Then he thinks because no one has spoken to him he is not being picked up and doesn't want to miss out.
Yesterday at 1:20 John panicked, walked round to Tesco where he picked up a taxi. He paid out £18 to get from central Portsmouth to the host's house in Horndean. He arrived at the venue at the same time as his driver called at his house.
This set off a chain of events in which his driver, myself and his daughter got caught up. Unneccessary mobile phone calls were made. Added to that two guests were kept waiting.
I have spoken to John's daughter and told her that whatever happens he will be picked up by 14:30 and would she please make him understand this.
John does not have a land line and his daughter says that she can't arrange for one to be installed because they will only deal with the client.
Where to go from here? I have asked H/O for advice.
But the fantastic lemon drizzle and strawberry crumble cakes were adequate compensation.

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