Wednesday 31 December 2008

Feral Litter Louts

At teatime yesterday I walked down to Cosham for a Tesco 'shop'. Abandoned on the side of Wymering Lane was a ladies bike, probably stolen. My route then takes me through Fairfield Square where a diagonal paved path crosses a huge area of grass. At the central point there is a seat where the youngsters hang out and drink. They smash glass bottles on the path, there are shards everywhere. The pavement along the Southampton Road is strewn with litter, mostly fast food debris. I passed a group of teenage girls, none of which were wearing warm clothes. They moaned about how cold it was, while pulling at their flimsy clothes, I guess to cover them selves better. Peer pressure ia a terrible thing. I don't suppose it was because they couldn't afford coats, it was more like coats aren't a fashion accessory. Cosham High Street is similarly decorated with rubbish. Where I see liquid running down from bin areas I always wonder if it was because someone has urinated. Blue and white paint had been spilled on the pavement, then bikes had been ridden through it. Some of the paint had been covered by sand. At least none of the glass in the bus shelters had been smashed.

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