Monday, 3 August 2009

Interesting But Boring Chores

I usually have the Clio washed by those guys that lurk in supermarket car parks. They do a reasonable job but it really needed a good clean. It’s only £5 and very convenient but it’s the same as going through the car wash. Every so often it has to be done properly. A while a go I bought a waterless car cleaning product called "Showroom Shine"on one of the shopping channels. It really does what it says on the tin. It wiped away all the grime without a scratch. Most car polishes leave a residue but not this stuff, when I'd finished there wasn't a streak to be seen. I spent about 90minutes on the task. I poked into all those annoying little nooks and crannies that one usually ignores. Bearing in mind it’s 9 years old it looks very nice and I almost enjoyed myself. After that I decided to clean my ancient Ransomes ‘side-wheel’ push mower. Although it cuts OK it was packed full of greasy grassy goo. I guess it had never been cleaned so I decided to take it to bits. Out came the spanners, socket set, pliers & screwdrivers. Even though I’d given them a good soaking with penetrating oil the nuts wouldn’t budge. Then I remembered reading that that they might loosen up if heated with a blowlamp. Success!! It worked on nearly all of them. I’ve smothered the mower in oil and newspaper then left it ‘soaking’ in a bin liner.


CAZZ said...

Liz, you do leave some good tips on your blog. I notice you use Photo Filtre. I was recommended it by a computer teacher at a day course on digital imaging I did a few years ago ad have been using it since. Its very user friendly and easy.
Carolyn. [Joan Scott]

Liz Valette said...

Thanks Cazz. I've learned lots of things over the years. I'm always happy to share my experiences and make life easier for others.