Saturday, 31 January 2009
Bloody People

Tuesday, 27 January 2009
How Others Live

Monday, 26 January 2009
Sweet Dreams
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Girlies Get New Home

Friday, 23 January 2009
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Caffeine Makes Me Wakeful

A Successful Afternoon
Monday, 19 January 2009
Sleep and Dreams

Toxic Debt Killing UK

Surviving Gazza

On Dieting

Free Blogger Templates
Sunday, 18 January 2009
An Excess of Cornflour

Why had I bought so many packets of cornflour? Goodness knows! I have a weakness for stewed fruit and custard so I will make vanilla sauce as a substitute.
I can also mix in cocoa powder to make chocolate blancmange
Slumdog Millionaire or 'Questions & Answers'
I have been reading this book since Friday and finished it at an ungodly hour in the very early hours of this morning.
It was an easy read and found it hard to put down. This must be an indication of how much I enjoyed it.
I heard it as a radio play in 2007 and will see the film at Port Solent this Thursday. My New Year's resolution was to not buy books if I could get them from the library. When I searched the on-line catalogue, I was surprised to see it was available so I bagged it.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
My Friend Joan
Monday, 12 January 2009
Stansted House
Smoldering Hearts of Oak.

The Queen and I
Not only do I have the same name as the Queen I also have the same sense of style.
Cold Weather Payment
The weather has stayed consistently cold for the last week, dropping to -10C overnight last Tuesday.
This means that I will get a £25 payout. Yay!!!
Sunday, 11 January 2009
So Near - So Far
Sloping Shoulders Syndrome
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Text 'Hot Girls' TV Ads
Friends Reunited
Friday, 9 January 2009
Naughty Kitti
Cancer Screening
The instructions were convoluted and this put me off. In reality it was very easy but not suitable for the easily disgusted.
If one has dealt with a nappy one can deal with most things. To harvest samples one is given suggestions but I just had to decide the best way for myself.
Two samples had to be taken over three occasions and recorded on a card with three sealable flaps.
I'm not worried but will be pleased when I get the results.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
This afternoon I attended a local NADFAS lecture. The subject was art forgery and speaker was excellent.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
LG Viewty Phone
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
It's Science Jim But Not As We Know It
Monday, 5 January 2009
Small Acts of Kindness - 4th Jan 2009
Sunday, 4 January 2009
How Would I have Coped?
Matt Smith as Doctor Who
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Getting Down And Dirty
Acts of Kindness - 2nd Jan 2009
These days how often does one see hitchhikers?
On a trip up to Farnham yesterday, on the outskirts of Waterlooville I saw a man attempting to get to the M25.
I stopped and picked him up. He introduced himself as Brian and thanked me profusely.
He said he was a general handyman. As there was no work locally he was going to London to try his luck there.
I asked him where he lived while seeking work. He sleeps in Bus Shelters
I dropped Brian off at the only roundabout of the A3, where one can branch off to go to Selbourne.
The paradox being that he warned me to be careful about who I gave lifts to.
Over the years I have given lifts to various strangers and I have also hitched. Am I foolish? Maybe?
Friday, 2 January 2009
New Year, New Start, New Me? Not Likely!
January: Fitness centres look forward to the annual boom in membership sparked by post-indulgence guilt.
February:Countless wannabe fitness fanatics revert to their usual lazy routine while continuing to pay up to £80 a month for a gym membership they will rarely, if ever, use again.
The psychology is simple: you feel a bit fat and unfit so you join a gym in the belief that paying all that money will make your exercise regime doubly effective. You don't go very often, so you feel guilty (as well as fat and unfit). Yet to cancel the membership - thus saving hundreds of pounds a year - is to admit defeat, after which there's nothing for it but to accept life as an unfit bloater.
Today the Government started targeting 'Fatties'. Do I think it will work? No, because most people think it doesn't apply to them.
Arbiter of Bad Taste
- Bloody People
- How Others Live
- Sweet Dreams
- Girlies Get New Home
- Dreamland
- Caffeine Makes Me Wakeful
- A Successful Afternoon
- Sleep and Dreams
- Toxic Debt Killing UK
- Surviving Gazza
- On Dieting
- Free Blogger Templates
- An Excess of Cornflour
- Slumdog Millionaire or 'Questions & Answers'
- My Friend Joan
- Stansted House
- Smoldering Hearts of Oak.
- The Queen and I
- Cold Weather Payment
- So Near - So Far
- Sloping Shoulders Syndrome
- Text 'Hot Girls' TV Ads
- Friends Reunited
- Naughty Kitti
- Cancer Screening
- This afternoon I attended a local NADFAS lecture....
- Spam
- LG Viewty Phone
- It's Science Jim But Not As We Know It
- Small Acts of Kindness - 4th Jan 2009
- How Would I have Coped?
- Matt Smith as Doctor Who
- Getting Down And Dirty
- Acts of Kindness - 2nd Jan 2009
- New Year, New Start, New Me? Not Likely!
- Arbiter of Bad Taste