Saturday, 3 January 2009

Getting Down And Dirty

I don't have a problem with general tasks like washing the dishes, changing the sheets and general tidying up. But thorough cleaning is something I have to be in the mood to do. I find any excuse to put heart sink tasks off until 'later', whenever 'later' may occur. My bedroom needed a good 'bottoming out' but I just couldn't find the enthusiasm to do it. A full day of sun was forecast for today. I got up early, stripped and changed the sheets then I gave the duvet a good shake outdoors. I put the washing on early so it would have a chance to dry outside. As January days are so short it hasn't dried properly so it will be finished off in the dryer. I have given the room a good clean, except for right under the bed, it's an easy task for another day. I have pulled most of the furniture out so I could clean behind, the wardrobe being the exception. Where does all the dust come from? I must record this on my Google calendar so that next time I'll know how long it's been.

Posted via email from Liz's Posterous

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