Sunday, 25 January 2009

Girlies Get New Home

Last year my daughter and son in law decided to give some battery hens a new home. They put in their order and got everything ready. The Wendy house was designated as hen house. It was a big disappointment to be told that the farmer was holding on to them for a bit longer. But as the weather had become bitterly cold maybe this was a good thing. The hens have now arrived, they have lots of feathers and are in a much better condition than expected. They’re still timid of humans and had a settled first night. In the morning the adults were woken up by the noise of excited torch wielding children outside. Much to the children's delight they found their first egg which was a bit bigger than usual. While it is still cold the hens will be kept indoors. When they have settled down they will be introduced to the outside world. Unlike me my daughter and husband are vegetarian. I am very proud of her for doing this. My compassionate side encouraged me to do the same but my sensible head took over. Keeping chickens is a big responsibility and they would be too much of a tie.

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