Monday, 19 January 2009

Sleep and Dreams

I've slipped into bad sleeping habits. I don't have a problem with drifting off. It's that I keep on waking up during the night. If I wake at 4am I have a problem deciding what to do. If I go back to sleep I have nightmares, if I stay awake I get tired during the day. The nightmares are always the same ones based on two themes. The most frequent is to do with an employer who was never satisfied with anything I did. I really despised him and still do. He wanted his female employees to be intelligent and at the same time subservient. I scored on the first but failed miserably on the second. The other is to do with animals suffering and I can only stand by and watch helplessly. Years ago I used to dream that I was hiding in a house where the occupant - always a man- didn't know I was there. My mission was to get out without him finding me. A bit like 'Jack and the Beanstalk.' A friend she says she's not too good in the mornings because she's recovering from persecution nightmares. They are so real she feels traumatised. I don't feel traumatised but it gives me an insight into what is bubbling on the surface of my subconscious.

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