Friday, 2 January 2009

New Year, New Start, New Me? Not Likely!

Once again "Diet and Fitness" are the buzzwords of the month along with resolutions which we may or may not keep up.

January: Fitness centres look forward to the annual boom in membership sparked by post-indulgence guilt.

February:Countless wannabe fitness fanatics revert to their usual lazy routine while continuing to pay up to £80 a month for a gym membership they will rarely, if ever, use again.

The psychology is simple: you feel a bit fat and unfit so you join a gym in the belief that paying all that money will make your exercise regime doubly effective. You don't go very often, so you feel guilty (as well as fat and unfit). Yet to cancel the membership - thus saving hundreds of pounds a year - is to admit defeat, after which there's nothing for it but to accept life as an unfit bloater.

Today the Government started targeting 'Fatties'. Do I think it will work? No, because most people think it doesn't apply to them.

Posted via email from Liz's Posterous

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