Monday, 19 January 2009

Surviving Gazza

I watched this last night on 4OD and it brought back some unhappy memories. It's a documentary about a family trying to cope with a father and ex-husband who has issues with mental health and alcohol - and who happens to be one of the most famous men in the country. Living with an alcoholic is generally a roller coaster of a ride. It’s hard for those living with the drinker to understand that actually they can’t help themselves and will usually find themselves affected deeply. When things are good and the drinking is under control, then everyone is happy. But when alcohol takes over again, chaos and disorder reign. It really does depends on how the unpredictable behaviour will affect those living with them. But the alcoholic can never be relied upon to behave in a proper fashion. In a house where alcohol abuse occurs, there will be arguments and mental abuse. When the alcoholic is drunk, they are very often emotional and sometimes aggressive. It’s a home filled with turmoil and confusion. Nobody knows from one day to the next what is going to happen. Living on my own I can predict what is going to happen from one day to the next.

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