Saturday, 31 January 2009

Bloody People

I am still having disturbing dreams. That man is haunting me. Aargghh!!! Other folk are annoying me as well. I am local organiser for Contact the Elderly. Good God!! It's only voluntary but another person is taking it so seriously. A few days ago she was organising things behind my back. Margaret used to be organiser and won't let go. I was so cross that I penned what I think is a very diplomatic letter and sent it her. This gives a flavour of what I wrote. "I’ve noticed an ‘under current’ in the group which is totally unnecessary. People are not working together and there is an element of back biting and sniping. As a group we might not want to choose each others as friends. We only meet for a couple of hours so I want everyone involved to do their very best to work together and put personal feelings aside. I need you to keep me in the picture as to which guests you are collecting. I understood that you could only pick up two. When I organised a driver for Pat I learned that arrangements had already been made and that you were picking up three people. I would like to carry on as local organiser because I enjoy it. But there is a possibility I could step down from Portsmouth and start organising a new group for Havant." She left a message on my ansafone requesting a meeting. God God!! I already have enough on my plate. Does she think I have the time or the inclination to arrange one. I can't warm to her, she's just a big lump with a permanent look of disapproval on her face. I just get the feeling she's waiting for me to put one foot wrong and I will be swallowed up!! It is Tea Party Sunday tomorrow so I have to socialise with her . She has to learn that I am in charge and I do the organising!!

1 comment:

Judy said...

That's right - you show her who's boss! Hope the tea party goes ok.