Wednesday, 21 January 2009

A Successful Afternoon

I am a member of the U3A which is best described as shared learning for those no longer in full time employment. I joined WaterloovilleU3A in 2007 , my claim to fame was becoming their 200th member. As volunteers didn't step forward, when the position fell vacant, I became Vice Chair in 2008. I am also 'Groups Liaison'. I am good at getting people to do things so I organise the monthly refreshment roster. We held an open afternoon today which turned out to be more successful than we envisaged. St Georges Church Hall buzzed and people made nice comments about the friendly atmosphere. Our intention is to be friendly and approachable, there are no 'stuffed shirts' on the committee. Imaging a lady being newly widowed, suddenly the person who she did everything with has gone. She has to build a new social life which means summoning the courage to enter a hall or room where she knows no-one. We do our best to spot people we don't recognise and have a little chat about interests etc. Then we introduce them to like minded people. Apart from Waterlooville I belong to a U3A nearer to home. The atmosphere there is totally different. Stuffy, cliquey and not very friendly. The chairman has poor social skills, the atmosphere must emanate from him as he doesn't engage anyone in conversation.

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