Sunday, 18 January 2009

An Excess of Cornflour

Every so often I like to sort through my food cupboard. When it gets untidy it bothers me. For sometime I have been putting it off. The morning sun shine today gave me the inspiration to get on with it.

Why had I bought so many packets of cornflour? Goodness knows! I have a weakness for stewed fruit and custard so I will make vanilla sauce as a substitute.

I can also mix in cocoa powder to make chocolate blancmange

Posted via email from Liz's Posterous


Judy said...

WHERE did you find your fab background? Not on Blogspot surely. Did you import it - if so, how??

Liz Valette said...

Ah!! I knew you'd ask. I did it last night but it did take me a while to get my head round how to change things.